, pub-6132281171173272, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Violence in Silence: November 2018
I have long supported child abuse prevention and awareness..

Far too many children suffer at the hands of abusers, in many forms. Often they are left feeling as if they have no one to help them, or no place to turn. Take a stand, and speak your voice to be heard, encourage children to help their friends and end abuse. One voice can save a life, and one hand can lead them to saftey. Please keep your eyes open for signs of abuse, and if you are unsure, or suspect something please investigate or send the investigators for you but please lets find them all...

Friday, November 9, 2018

The Little Boy

A little boy got lost one day, just walking home from school,
it wasn’t far, he knew the way so how could this be true.
His mother tried to call his name they searched so far and wide,
they looked in all his favorite places he would often hide.

Not this time, 'cause on this day it wouldn’t be his choice.
Still they called out, screamed and cried and longed to hear his voice.
At 9 years old he'd seen it all inside his little mind,
he chased the squirrels and searched for frogs, or caught what he could find.

That’s just what happened on this day besides that narrow creek,
when looking for some crawdads, that boy met up with a creep.
The stranger came behind him and before he even seen,
he snatched him up, he held his mouth, he couldn't even scream.

The knife was plunged so deep inside, he could not even cry,
like trash he threw him in that creek, and left him there to die.
This senseless act of violence gets repeated every day,
from many different strangers, in so many different ways.

What leads a person down this road, where feelings disappear,
where madness takes control and they abandon every tear.
What makes a soul so heartless and loose all its vanity,
The very definition of a deep insanity.

The family left behind is hurt, a void that never fills,
so many repercussions when a stranger comes and kills.
All the lives he ruins, and so much has been destroyed,
from the tragedy that came and took, that poor lost little boy.